Smarthome ecosystem - research and prototype
I was given a business initiative that provided information on user personas and general market background. My objective was to design a low-fidelity prototype that enables users to take action based on the data. This will help users understand their consumption better, showing them ways to save energy and reduce costs.
Initially, I conducted research by studying the provided material and exploring existing solutions, competitors, and relevant articles. I delved into the idea of eco-friendly energy usage to gain a better understanding. Additionally, I aimed to develop an engaging application that encourages user retention and frequent use. Through my exploration, I discovered that integrating gamification could be instrumental in accomplishing this objective.
I began organizing features that appeared to be reasonable. Using this information, I determined the type of screens required at a functional level. Once I gathered these screens, I began contemplating potential user flows, such as envisioning scenarios like, "As a user, I want to accomplish a specific task, which requires me to click on certain areas."
With the information provided, I successfully drafted a top-level outline of the screen structure.
I aimed to progress rapidly with initial draft versions, so I promptly assembled a set of components.
With the information gathered, I constructed a coherent hierarchy and broad scope by developing low-fidelity mockups using the assembled components. These wireframes facilitated seamless connection and ultimately resulted in a functional interactive prototype.